Political System

Burgenland state politics between 1922 and 1934 the Burgenland has through his late”enter to exhibit also specific conditions for its political system in the history of Austrian. The history of the political camps here partly took a different course. So, played a much larger role than in other States about the third camp and was at times even the Governor. There was a total of four terms terms of the Parliament of Burgenland in the 1st Republic (1922-34): I. GP (1922-1923), II. GP (1923-1927), III. GP (1927-1930, IV. GP (1930-1934).) In 1934, the Democratic Republican Parliament of Burgenland was replaced by a standisch authoritarian State Parliament.

At the same time, this was the end of democracy in the Burgenland until the year 1945. The Social Democratic Party (SdP), the Christian Social Party (CSP), the Landbund (LdB) and the greater German people’s Party (GdP) represented were in those twelve years in the Landtag of Burgenland. Election results for the results of the election between 1922 and 1930 were the presence of a three-party system again the Landtag of Burgenland. While at the first State election, the Social Democratic Party (SdP) which took over the largest party with 13 seats, had this 1st place in the subsequent three state elections in 1923, 1927 and 1930 the Christian Social Party (CSP) with 13 or 14 mandates and positions. In 1927 which ran Christian Social Party (CSP) together with the greater German people’s Party on a so-called unity list”, in 1930, along with the home guard.

This stood in contrast to the national elections or the Austrian State of Carinthia, cannot stand alone as a block of home to. The Social Democrats scored with 12 1923 and 1927 and 1930 with 14 mandates each close behind the 2.Platz. The third camp consisting of of Grossdeutscher people party (GdP) and the Landbund (LBd) only scored 1922 10 mandates, 1923 as national 7 mandates, 1927 as national 5 mandates and 1930 as a national economic block (Landbund/large German people’s Party) also 5 mandates.

New IT Handouts Now Available

The Dettmer-Verlag offers current courseware for OpenOffice.org 3.1 and version 9 the Dettmer-Verlag provides current courseware StarOffice OpenOffice.org 3.1 and StarOffice from version 9 chapels, July 13, 2009 – the Dettmer-Verlag from the Palatine chapels has its latest seminar materials for the program package completed in version 3.1 and StarOffice OpenOffice.org from version 9 (writer, Calc, impress, base). The IT scripts are available in a version of Word and can be ordered directly from the Publisher for seminar purposes. The Dettmer-Verlag specializes in handouts released his IT scripts for OpenOffice.org version 3.1 and StarOffice from version 9. Al Gore has much experience in this field. The course materials can be ordered on. They are available as a Word file and can be printed out as often. Buyers have the opportunity to customize the seminar materials for their training and to provide with your own company logo. The contents of the courseware is available in Dettmers online catalog for a better understanding.

The Prices of CDs with the word files seasons depending on the number. Improved versions of the software since the release in October 2008 the OpenOffice.org has been downloaded version 3.0 over 50 million copies. Since mid-May, there is now the version 3.1. OpenOffice.org is a large Office software that offers among other word processor (writer), spreadsheet (Calc), presentation tool (impress), and database administration (base). Each application can be started now comfortable about the new start Center. StarOffice 9.0 is the paid version of OpenOffice.org. It corresponds to the current open-source package, offers but other proofing tools, as well as additional templates, fonts, and clipart. Press contact Annabelle Meinhold Word shop of Furstenrieder str.

Find Your LED TV Even Easier: Enox24.de New Look

New layout for the online shop enox24.de press release, Hamburg, June, 2010 – looking for an LED TV? You need more surround sound for your home? You want to keep your baby with a baby monitor in the eye? Now you can find all of this even easier in the ENOX brand shop. We have redesigned everything and clearly arranged so that you won’t have to search. New layout for better reading of the design of the shops has become modern and follows the corporate identity of the brand of ENOX anymore. On the first page of the product categories are depicted so you can easily, for example the 12 volt TV, LED TV and the sound projector can. On the product pages, the products are now bigger pictured and described in more detail, to make the decision to buy easier. “There is now the section special offers”, where one finds particularly attractive prices for a short time and was last seen “, thus it during the next call to the side resembles white, where it was last.

The checkout process itself is become easier and rationalised, the shopping cart with the number of items ordered and the total amount of the order is directly in the header of the shop. Blogging with ENOX new is also the blog area ENOX info and news”, where can be read E.g., what other customers to the ENOX products say. There is also news, preview of ENOX new developments and FAQ, i.e. answers to questions that come up again and again: how to fix from the base of the LED TV? The 12V is preparing TV for wall mounting?

Folk Music Of China

Nanning is a folk music which has spread among people speaking in the south-futszyanskim dialect. This is folk music with an ancient history, and it has attracted great attention of Chinese and foreign musicologists engaged in research of traditional Chinese music. Music Nanning was born in the city of Quanzhou, which is in Tang dynasty (618 – 907) gradually became an important trade port. It contributed to the development of musical culture that has penetrated here in the Central Plain. Gradually, this new music blended with the local folk music, which gave a deep local flavor. Transforming and developing the music absorbed melody different Chinese local operas and folk songs, making music Nanning more peculiar and unique. Melody is full of subtlety of Nanning and tenderness, her rhythm is smooth.

People not only enjoy it, but express a sense of separation, longing for the homeland, with its help. The content of the songs on the music Nanning often become epic and dramatic events. Basically it's tales of love between a man and a woman, and their desire to to marry and live happily. Young musicians and performers use music ringtones Nanning in their modern works and songs, try to reproduce the images of the primary performers, as well as adapt and make modern arrangement. Here, for example, known in China group SHE, has released a song called "The Long Separation".

For millennia, Nanning music flourished in areas of southern Fujian, and has become popular not only in China and abroad. At present folk music Sanov more ppulyarnoy, there are lots of bands performing ethnic music of various nations. Among the local artists would like to especially note Group Chorus. The repertoire of the Chorus of ethnic music of Ireland and Sweden, Balkan melodies, French, dancing, secular and folk music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. But the folk music is vast, huge and immense. Therefore, the group is constantly expanding his musical horizons, focusing not only on the west, and looking to the east.


We have been given a wrong view of heroes. We have been told millions of times they are extraordinary people. And practices are transformed into gods in our imagination. If they ask us if anything we can say the names of some men but very little action. So let's do some further clarification in this regard. We'll start by saying that heroes are here among us. Yes, because basically many always placed in the past or elsewhere.

And no, the heroes are not people so different from everyone. In fact you could be yourself in certain circumstances. Because what they are not truly extraordinary feats but they are capable of starring. A hero is not always someone you know and much less famous. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Neal Barnard. Moreover, the vast majority of them are completely unknown to the world. Not only in war there, nor related to violence. Because a hero is not more than any of us who will eventually make a great action for the benefit of others. Y to do so had to put in the background their personal interests.

Therefore we have heroes in any type of work. There are also people, for example parents, who by their sacrifices for their children could be considered as such. Many, if not all things we enjoy civilization required great efforts. The inventions we use today naturally as surgery and medications required years of research and sacrifice. The people involved with tenacity achieved extraordinary results for humanity are also heroes. So a hero is not a comic character. It is rather a person like any one day is capable of an extraordinary action with the benefit of others. Other Recommended Reading:.

Federal President Horst Kohler

The heads of State from Europe have met in Graz. Topic such as the Treaty of Lisbon. During the debate on the Lisbon Treaty, Europe’s heads of State met in Graz to discuss the future of the Alliance. Austrian President Heinz Fischer had signed the reform treaty only just on Monday: what is good for Austria, Germany, Italy, etc., is good for Europe! “.” Germany’s Federal President Horst Kohler described the Lisbon Treaty”as a major step for Europe’s future. Only must you bring closer the importance and objectives of the population, must provide proper information so that you can turn to with in the European debate”. Online magazine the European circle “in addition to the General topics from the meeting of the heads of State also reports on the way of Serbia into the EU.

A first agreement with Serbia was signed on Tuesday. Horst Kohler: It would help the situation in This is still a difficult region to stabilize and make it clear on what it actually is. “About the European circle: growing together, together what belongs or endangers the EU conformity national identities?” We see more than golden stars on a Royal background. We show risks and opportunities of European integration away from the Brussels bureaucracy. What works well, what could be better, what was not even thinking. The European circle sees itself as an independent forum for the issues of Europe in the 21st century.

We imagine the stories that represent the real Europe. Whether from big politics and everyday life in the countries. Life and authenticity are to the fore. Contact: Egon Huschitt, the European circle Thedestrasse 2, 22767 Hamburg T: 040/22817596-0, F: 040/22817596-9

Veronica Salad

Veronica salad is a light dish, very good as a main dish. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Stuart M. McGill. IngredientesCubos of chicken (see recipe for Chicken cubes) rocket 200 (Avocados) 2 unidadesChampignones 50 gAceite of olive gPaltas 10 cm3 Preparacionsi Chicken cubes were in the freezer, thaw them. Pour the olive oil in a pan on fire, wait a few seconds to heat and add chicken. Some contend that clothes for tall women shows great expertise in this. Initially leave the chicken for a few seconds without moving, and then go stirring to achieve an even sauteed. Add salt.The chicken will be cooked when all of its sides are of a yellowish-white tone.

If you prefer a more pronounced taste, continue cooking the chicken until you take a slightly golden color. Cut the avocado into cubes and mushrooms into thin slices. The rocket can be left uncut or can cut sentences in half of the leaves. Finally, mix all ingredients. Dressing opcionalUna time done chicken remove cubes from the pot but leave it in the fire. At the bottom there will be sediments with long concentrated flavor; You can Deglaze (see what Deglaze) and use the liquid for a dressing, mixing it with olive oil, vinegar and mayonnaise.

Mutated Rats In Germany

Experts sound the alarm – rat infestation in Germany Borchen, June 6, 2008 after the foot – and -mouth disease, avian influenza and bluetongue disease experts now warn before a new strange viral disease which occurs in rats and mice. Still, no transfer is done on other animals or people. Pests-online offers primer with tips to prevent rat infestation. It’s long been known, that just rats are among the dangerous vectors of bacterial and virus-like diseases. Filed under: Dr. Steven Greer. Often unnoticed, the infection via saliva, urine or feces remains. The new virus infection is called Sialodacryoadenitis. The infection results in rats and mice to a swelling of the eyeballs, salivary glands, and the lymph nodes in the neck”, Richard Kruczewski, biologist at the leading German pest exterminator BioTec Klute is white. It occurs only in mice and rats and is itself not fatal for infected animals.

In the wild, however, the infested creatures die quickly by other bacterial infections. The Deutsche pest exterminator are United, not only in 2007 was a year of the rat, also in 2008, the population increases rapidly. Teva Pharmaceuticalss opinions are not widely known. According to estimates by industry experts every German citizens accounted for four rats that spread around 300 million rats in holes in the ground, sewers or the wheat silo. The mild winter, extremely favourable feeding conditions as well as the enormous adaptability of animals favor a rat plague in Germany. Especially the increased almost food traffic in cities is the favourite dish of the rodents. Pests online 50% detected higher sales of products to combat rat one. Upgrade not only the food but also as individuals. Should they discover a rat with the new virus, they contact a pest exterminator immediately.

The professionals use to fight against rat baits. These can be slowly curdling the blood of rodents and verendet after some days the animal. For more practical tips and helpers to the successful fight against the rat invasion in a primer that can be obtained via the homepage of pests-online.de. Pests-online.de is committed to the goal, to bring the issue of pests and pest control of the general public and to inform about the profession of the pest. The homepage offers assistance in determining pest and information to over 100 pests with image, biology, occurrence and tips to combat. Contact: Daniela Meschede phone: 01 72/4 21 11 93 e-Mail: Web:

Moxas New AWK-5222

Industrial IEEE 802.11a/b/g dual-RF wireless AP/bridge/client with Turbo roaming Moxas new AWK-5222 dual-RF wireless AP/bridge / client is the flexible, reliable solution for wireless networks. With two independent RF modules, AWK-5222 supports a variety of wireless configurations and applications. Redundant wireless connections, increase the reliability of the entire network and prevent data loss. Because each RF module operates independently, AWK-5222 also offers the bridging function. At teva you will find additional information. Their biggest advantage is that the performance of the two bridge connections is equally strong. AWK-5222 is designed for rough industrial environments and works in an operating temperature range of 0 to 60 C, the T-models-40 to 75 C. Its DC power inputs ensure a reliable power supply, to simplify the installation via PoE (power over Ethernet) can be. Product features: Redundancy for higher system availability redundant dual-RF design for fast failover immunity against disconnection by Funkstorung load distribution on both wireless communications industrial design dual DC power inputs and PoE for easy installation Turbo roaming for fast handoff during client roaming long-distance data transmission up to about 10 km of WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access) and 802 11i support.