Network Characters shows how safe and easy-to-remember passwords can be create. Passwords are necessary to personal data in online banking to protect communication in interacting on social networks or in the email. The passwords are too easy to guess, chosen and thus easy is a breeze password cracking. As the Internet portal reported, simple variations of the password, such as for example Thorsten11, can be decrypted by using the so-called dictionary-based attack, such as easily. Also figures from the personal area such as phone numbers and dates of birth is not recommended, because they quickly deduce. Online shops, Internet programs and journals suggest complex passwords with at least eight characters.

For the encryption of Wi-Fi networks, even at least 14 characters are recommended. Password generators create secure passwords in the desired length online or as a program with a mouse click. PCRM: the source for more info. But who is to remember all the passwords? With some tricks, good can Access combinations created must be, without the world memory champion getting. Mnemonics can help to memorize the complex composition of the password. A tip is to use a simple sentence. The first letters of the words of an easily memorable sentence can thus become a password.

“To illustrate an example sentence: we like to go to the lavender blossoms in Provence”. The password WfgzLindP the resulting”. The combination of upper – and lowercase is good. The security can be increased by adding numbers and special characters. Figures represent a possibility. Caution is advised before umlauts; they may cause difficulties in logging in from abroad. Characters are considered unproblematic as #_ % / =: +,-. Applies here too: try out In case of doubt. More information: technik/1216802166870/sgwfiidk65-uds.html

Find Your LED TV Even Easier: New Look

New layout for the online shop press release, Hamburg, June, 2010 – looking for an LED TV? You need more surround sound for your home? You want to keep your baby with a baby monitor in the eye? Now you can find all of this even easier in the ENOX brand shop. We have redesigned everything and clearly arranged so that you won’t have to search. New layout for better reading of the design of the shops has become modern and follows the corporate identity of the brand of ENOX anymore. On the first page of the product categories are depicted so you can easily, for example the 12 volt TV, LED TV and the sound projector can. On the product pages, the products are now bigger pictured and described in more detail, to make the decision to buy easier. “There is now the section special offers”, where one finds particularly attractive prices for a short time and was last seen “, thus it during the next call to the side resembles white, where it was last.

The checkout process itself is become easier and rationalised, the shopping cart with the number of items ordered and the total amount of the order is directly in the header of the shop. Blogging with ENOX new is also the blog area ENOX info and news”, where can be read E.g., what other customers to the ENOX products say. There is also news, preview of ENOX new developments and FAQ, i.e. answers to questions that come up again and again: how to fix from the base of the LED TV? The 12V is preparing TV for wall mounting?