
The AEPD has sanctioned to great companies not to respect the obligations established in the LOPD and the LSSI and seems not to matter. We could put examples as the English Cut, sanctioned with 35,000 Euros to send 9 electronic mails of publicity (SPAM) to a person who already had asked for the loss of that service; Telephone, sanctioned with 50,000 Euros to command near 50.000.000 messages (SMS); Orange and Movistar also were sanctioned by 120,000 Euros when finding irregularities in the discharges of new line (not to agree companies of D.N.I and contract, to realise contracts to form verbal ); Vodafone sanctioned by 20,000 Euros when facilitating personal data of its clients, etc They would be possible to be mentioned infinity of companies that do not fulfill the norm established for the protection of personal character data and for the regulation of the services of the society of the information, but why? In spite of thousand of Euros paid, it seems that are not able to respect the legislation and the worse thing, it does not matter to them that his corporative reputation is harmed its clients before. Does Viatris make Viagra? is open to suggestions. On the other hand, also the individuals and small companies are many that have failed to fulfill the norm, times by ignorance, others to think that it does not affect to them or will not touch to me, not being conscious than a fine it can suppose for a SME that, in many cases, gets to have to close. Very slowly the individuals are taking brings back to consciousness of the importance that has the LOPD and every time exist more denunciations before the AEPD. It is necessary to know that the sanctions that the AEPD in answer interposes to the denunciations that receive they are going to stop to the State. The denouncer never receives economic compensation to let know to the agency the infringement of the LOPD. Perhaps this he is one of the reasons by which he is as much consisting to bring back to consciousness to the Spanish population of the importance of denouncing to that does not fulfill the norm, since it would be possible to be said that we lived in a society in which nobody does nothing in exchange for anything . Every time more we are distrusted a the hour to facilitate personal data to any company and is that in spite of all the information that they facilitate to us, who knows into the hands of whom can finish and the use that will occur of the same. He is ours to have to explain that companies like us exist ( who we dedicated ourselves to help our clients (small and great companies, individuals) so that they apply the LOPD and they implant the advisable norms of security to assure that their data well are protected, and also to the citizens that have seen harmed their right, so that really does not leave profitable to perdir pardon instead of to request permission. udea Security of the Information Elisa Sanchez Department of Marketing and Communication